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Inquiry and Comments Form Below

Please fill out the form below if you have questions, testimonials, etc Want to volunteer for Race Day, get a free entry for next year. Click here to complete the form.


1. Am I Registered?

If your registration was properly completed you would have received an email

with a confirmation number. If you did not receive this email and started a

registration please email: so that we can

complete your registration.

A week before the race there will also be a link added to the website which will

list all registered runners. If you have registered and your name is not on this

list please email:

2. Can I have my packet mailed to me?

Yes, if you would like your packet mailed there is a $5 fee.

Click: Mail My Packet

3. My voucher code is not working, what do I do?

Voucher codes are case sensitive so please enter as all caps. Do not enter any

commas, parenthesis, or brackets as this will cause your code to not work.

Also, if you have more than one voucher with the same name, please enter the

actual name of the registered runner/walker for each voucher code.

If you do not have the names yet and are entering your name more than once

please add numbers to your last name so that we know it is not a duplicate

entry. (Example: DOE 1, Doe 2, Doe 3)

If you have already started your registration and was not able to complete it

due to the voucher not working please do not resubmit a registration as it will

create duplicates.

4. Can I Register on Race-Day?

Once registration is closed that means that we are at our maximum capacity

and as much as we would like to accommodate everyone who wants to support

our cause we cannot.

We are however always looking for volunteers who will be able to support our

cause and enjoy the day with us. We also allow volunteers free entry into one of

our upcoming races and a race t-shirt for appreciation.

To Volunteer Click: I Want To Volunteer

5. When and Where is Packet Pick-Up?

Packet Pick-Up is always the Thursday and Friday before race. The location

will be posted on the website for your race location no later than 2 weeks before

the race.

Still Have Questions, Please Fill Out Inquiry Form or


First Name:*

Last Name:




Address 1:

Address 2:





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